Two of Swords

Two of Swords

The Two of Swords represents calm preparedness. Here we have a poised, perceptive character in a state of readiness for unknown events that may soon transpire. This card also represents the ability to face challenges with mental clarity, and to be able to subdue emotions in the face of difficult situations. Having trust in the invisible forces at play will help us to remain balanced and confident.

The egret often stands motionless as if in a meditative state. It demonstrates the ability to meditate and study in silence in order to find clarity. This solitary bird is symbolic of grace, agility, and the opportunity to become aware of unseen aspects in our lives. The egret also symbolizes self-determination, self-reliance, and the ability to develop our own personal rhythm. Bindweed is symbolic of perseverance. In the card image, the entangling bindweed clearly places us in a position that will require calm perseverance to resolve.




More elaborate descriptions of the cards can be found in the book and deck boxed set, available at


Nature Spirit Tarot - Encounters with Nature and the Journey of the Soul

The Nature Spirit Tarot took nine years to create: eight years of research, design and painting, and another year of production and self publishing. A great deal of research went into this project. Selecting just the right nature elements to express the meanings of these treasured cards was a project in itself. The tarot deck has a rich and extensive history, and continues to be a tool used and loved by many people.

Jean’s interest in the tarot originated with her journey of self exploration. The deck was designed as a tool for personal growth. The accompanying book, also written by Jean, reflects this character in its descriptions of the card.



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