Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords is a card of partial success. We have accomplished certain things, but there is more to be done, and we will still need to deal with future challenges. From the perspective of personal growth, this card suggests that we are not yet fully grounded in the new, higher awareness that we are seeking. The card reminds us to stay grounded, to use our acquired skills, and to avoid irrational and impulsive actions to the best of our ability as we move ahead.

The jay symbolizes the mastery of our skills and talents. Such mastery involves the proper use of personal power and the need to always act with integrity. The jay is a resourceful and adaptable bird, and also symbolizes great talent and innate wisdom. The honeysuckle represents a pathway to inner knowledge. This climbing vine shows us the importance of keeping our focus on our highest goals.




More elaborate descriptions of the cards can be found in the book and deck boxed set, available at


Nature Spirit Tarot - Encounters with Nature and the Journey of the Soul

The Nature Spirit Tarot took nine years to create: eight years of research, design and painting, and another year of production and self publishing. A great deal of research went into this project. Selecting just the right nature elements to express the meanings of these treasured cards was a project in itself. The tarot deck has a rich and extensive history, and continues to be a tool used and loved by many people.

Jean’s interest in the tarot originated with her journey of self exploration. The deck was designed as a tool for personal growth. The accompanying book, also written by Jean, reflects this character in its descriptions of the card.



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