Saga: The Fortune Teller (Bunchberry Turtle)

Saga: The Fortune Teller (Bunchberry Turtle)

Bunchberry is the only member of the Dogwood family that grows as a ground cover throughout the northern United States and down the West Coast. The four white bracts appear to be petals but they are not. They surround clusters of tiny dark flowers that explode into the air when mature and spread seeds in this unusual airborne manner. The flowers mature into clusters of red berries, which are eaten by some Native American tribes. The clusters of berries gave rise to its name, Bunchberry, and it is also known as ‘Dwarf Dogwood’.

The turtle is one of the oldest symbols for the planet Earth. The turtle is well grounded, reliable, and steadfast, as is the earth energy of the bunchberry. Symbolically, the turtle reminds us to give back to the Earth that which we take, thereby completing the cycle of sharing.