White Buffalo: A Messenger of Hope

White Buffalo: A Messenger of Hope

The legend of the White Buffalo has been passed down for many generations among the Native American people, and may have originated 2,000 years ago. When the White Buffalo appeared to the people, she brought the sacred pipe and taught them to pray to the Creator. Her return is the promise of a time when all people will coexist peacefully on Earth. She brings the message of hope, peace, harmony, and balance.

The Arrowleaf Balsamroot is a member of the sunflower family. It is easy to identify by its arrow shaped blue-green leaves and brilliant yellow flowers. Balsamroot is excellent survival food, because all parts of the plant are edible. Native Americans also had medicinal uses for the plant, such as using the leaves as an antiseptic and poultice for wounds. As well, this versatile plant was popular as an incense, and burned in ceremony.