Morning Glory and the Dragon

Morning Glory and the Dragon

A perennial climbing vine, the Heavenly Blue Morning Glory is breathtaking in its abundance of colorful flowers which last but a single day. Typically, each flower blooms in early morning. By late afternoon, it has already wilted. Still, the following day, the chances are that more will have appeared. Its power is so great, that gardeners dislike it since it invades gardens and chokes out other plants wherever an opportunity presents itself. Interestingly, when this vine climbs, it almost always does so in a counter clockwise direction.

The magical, fluid, and eternal energy of this plant is the perfect complement to the dragon of myth and legend. The dragon has been found in the mythology of nearly every culture. As a mythical beast of heroic proportions, magical powers are always associated with it. In Western lore, the dragon roars forth in fire and fury. In the East, it is connected to the water element and is believed to dwell in large pools. When it flies to the clouds, thunder and lightning result. This particular hand painted Native American drum has a universal theme which would appeal to any Nature Spirit Earth Shaman, as it touches the deeper levels of myth and magic.