Great Blue Heron in the Cattails

Great Blue Heron in the Cattails

The Great Blue Heron is a sacred water bird. Water rules the emotions and our interior life. The Heron can be our guide to self reflection and inner discoveries. If you are drawn to the energy of the heron, perhaps you are ready to deepen your own personal spiritual journey.

The Cattail nurtures the Heron and grows in thick, dense patches in wetlands. You will often find Cattails near the rookery. Native Americans were nurtured by the Cattail too, finding every part of the plant a wonderful food source from rhizome to leaves, flower spikes, and stems. They also had many household uses for the plant, including bedding, mats, and blankets. The seed fluff was used to stuff pillows and mattresses. The sticky juice between the Cattail leaves was also used medicinally, so everything about this plant was valued.